Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Web Seminar on Business Stewards of the Estuary: A Success!!

The CMRC held the Business Stewards of the Estuary Program Web Seminar June 26, 2008. Thank you to the many participants who provided valuable feedback on the next steps forward.

If you would like information about the webseminar or Business Stewards of the Estuary materials, please contact the CMRC at:

Click here to view the recorded Web Seminar in its entirety.

The Business Stewards of the Estuary Program is a pilot project conducted by the CMRC to establish a program to recognize businesses that adopt sustainability practices in their operations. Restaurants are eligible for recognition in 2009 under this program. Please contact the CMRC if you would like more information.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

New, Updated Website on the Way

As CMRC's supporters know, we are working hard to grow the CMRC's programs and provide the NY-NJ region with educational opportunities and policy recommendations to help protect and preserve the NY-NJ Harbor Estuary.

We have been so lucky to rely on our dedicated volunteer webmaster since the very beginning of the beginning! Jon Neilson has put in the most time, effort, and talent of any of our volunteers. Thank you, Jon!

To save Jon time, we'll be updating the CMRC website to make it more user friendly, and easier to update on a daily and monthly basis. Keep on the look out for our new programming info. You'll see information on our:

Horseshoe crab education programs

Seining programs

Beach Clean-ups

The Virtual Estuary Project

The CMRC's Business Stewards of the Estuary Program

Harbor Estuary Policy initiatives

Thanks for your support!
