Monday, May 15, 2006

Conserving our Coasts & Waterfronts: New York State Division of Coastal Resources

As part of the CMRC's Harbor Bight Policy Initiative, we periodically explore the agencies, organizations and institutions that act as the "stewards of our estuary." Over time, this information will be compiled into an interactive guide for coastal resources in our region that will available online early 2007. Our vision is to make this "guide" a tool for decision-makers, conservation organizations and academic institutions to assist in the policy-making process and to enhance the communications on restoration and scientific research activities. Today, we explore the New York State Department of State's (DOS) Division of Coastal Resources. JB

New York State's DOS Division of Coastal Resources is responsible for the management and conservation of New York State's natural coastlines and urban waterfronts. The Division of Coastal Resources works in partnership with community groups, non-profit organizations, state and federal agencies, and local governments to make communities better places to live, work and visit.

The Division is involved in many activities related to the coastal environment. This includes supporting the conservation of coasts by providing technical assistance and the restoration of urban waterfronts through financing and planning guidance. Additional activities include:

Conserving natural coastlines and revitalizing urban waterfronts are the two top priorities of the Division of Coastal Resources. They have developed several programs to assist with the planning and funding of these efforts. For natural coastlines the focus is on preserving habitat and improving water quality through outreach, education and regulatory means. For developed waterfronts the focus shifts to land use planning, the redevelopment of brownfields and increasing public access.

The Division of Coastal Resources is also a great resource of information on funding opportunities and scientific data. Their website highlights grant opportunities for non-profit organizations and government agencies that include the Environmental Protection Fund, Quality Communities Program and Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act. In addition, the Division is a great resource for scientific research and mapping information.

For more information on the New York State DOS Division of Coastal Resources:

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